Reading your face is a gateway to your life story.

YES wrinkles are not just wrinkles for us face readers, they are the story of your life. Do you want to know why?
As a face reader I am scanning your face - especially your facial lines, yes the wrinkles. But for me they are not just wrinkles and a sign of ageing. No, they are a reflection of your life story. When you have gone through challenging life periods, these periods are what also gives big life lessons and your face lines reflects this: if you understood that life lesson or if you understood half of it... interesting right?
We are all on a wild ride of personal development and one tool to be used for personal growth is face reading for your transformations and healings. Right away when I first learned about face reading I was totally fascinated and knew in my heart that this was it, this was part of my tools to support people on their healing journey.
For me it is especially the emotional map that I feel aligned with, and use in every session doing online, face to face, or live face to face, it is like a small red lamp that says "look here".
Your lines are talking to me and they become a doorway to your life, and your life story can unfold right there on the spot.
Which door is to be opened up so transformation can happen and you can release blocked emotions, even heal old traumas?
All that is becoming conscious for you, you will be able to heal, then FLOW will return in your life.
In the upcoming course on face reading, Eva-Marie and I will take you on a journey into the land of face reading, introducing it to you for your own understanding of your face, lines and features. So much will happen over these 4 weeks and you will be able to grow both personally and spiritually for this is an ancient daoist alchemical tool the Chinese face reading, changing metal into GOLD!
Unfold Your Potential with Face Reading
You are so welcome to join in on this first time of us serving you with our wonderful program, and we are very much looking forward to seeing you unfold your potential as you gain a deeper understanding of your own face, and therefore can be more authentic in your own way of living life on your terms and in alignment with your strength and qualities.
My colleague, Eva Marie, and I are both Master Face Readers from our dear beloved teacher Lillian Pearl Bridges, who was a world leading authority in this field of medicine and healing.
We are honoured to continue her legacy from her Chinese Chen family lineage of Face Reading. To serve the world with her knowledge and wisdom rooted in the ancient daoist tradition and for you to get great insights with this transformational knowledge.
A 4 week journey to unfold your potential with face reading as you get to understand through your face, your features, lines and imprints who you are and what your abilities and strengths are which all are reflected in your face. "Unfold Your Potential with Face Reading".
Unfold Your Potential With Face Reading
"It's our greatest pleasure to serve you with our upcoming online course and to take you on a journey of self discover with Chinese Face Reading!"
Eva Marie and Marian
Photo: Eva Marie and I together with our beloved master in Face Reading Lillian Pearl Bridges.
(Lillian, you are in the centre of the three of us).
PS - if you are curious as to where a Soul Seer like me can play an important role in your own transformation, please do contact me to ask - I love hearing from you and I only have two spaces available for this powerful work for the rest of this year!
Visit my website and book your FREE introductory call as I would love to support you in your inner transformational work:
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