
Business Shaman

EUR 108.00

Stop struggling, let go of overwhelm and self-doubt, become inspired, ignited and confident as you discover the source of impact, clarity and success from these amazing, international experts.

Join me, Marian Nielsen Joos, talking to successful, conscious entrepreneurs about their life and business.

  • Discover how they  found their conscious success and how they shape their business today.
  • Be inspired by their achievements and their journeys. 
  • Get a vision for your abundant business in the future!

Don't miss out on these fascinating and inspiring heart-to-heart conversations, full of impact for your life and business.

EUR 54.00

With all my heart, I am inviting you this grand finale we had in connection to the amazing Conscious Business Summit November 2019 with wonderful, conscious leaders, experts and entrepreneurs. 

Let me take you on a journey to experience your connection to your inner knowing. I'll guide you towards your path to outer success, as you experience mindset shifts and release blocked emotions.

This is the perfect way to prepare for the next level in your business and life. New possibilities for greater impact in your life and business.

I dare you to shine your light, step into your greatness and claim your conscious impact. 

EUR 108.00
The Unlock Your Business Miracle summit shows you how to connect to your heart with confidence AND build a successful business ALL while following your inner voice.

Be inspired and ignited by the powerful business miracles of 10 international experts and spiritual leaders. Get deep insights for your own journey to abundance, impact and success. Learn how to unlock your own business miracle and take the next amazing step in your business and life.

Get ready for an inspirational journey!